3 Ways to Handle a Summer Camp Injury

iQuanti: Summer camp offers many opportunities for your kids to make new friends and experience new things. There are exciting moments for everyone, from swimming and canoeing to hiking and biking and even learning how to build a fire.  

While trying novel and adventurous activities can be a blast, there is also the risk that your child gets hurt. Read on to learn how you can handle a summer camp injury.  

Common summer camp injuries  

  • Some common summer camp injuries include:  
  • Sunburns 
  • Heat stroke  
  • Bug bites and rashes  
  • Allergic reactions 
  • Burns from a fire 
  • Broken bones  
  • Sprains and strains  
  • Swimming and boating accidents 
  • Cuts and lacerations 
  • COVID-19 and other illness  

How to handle a summer camp injury  

If your child experiences an injury at summer camp, how you handle it will ultimately depend on the type of injury they get and the level of care they need.  

Here's a list of how you might handle a summer camp injury.   

1. Meet your child at the emergency department.  

If your child experiences a severe injury or allergic reaction, hopefully, the camp calls 9-1-1 to get them the care they need as soon as possible. If your child is taken to the emergency department, the camp should let you know so you can meet your child there.  

2. Urgent care.  

With something like an infected bug bite, mild allergic reaction, or an illness such as COVID-19, the camp might call you to pick up your child. In this case, you can bring them to urgent care if they need treatment.  

3. Home remedies.  

In the case of a cold, the camp may ask you to bring your child home to prevent widespread infection. If your child's symptoms are mild, you can likely monitor them at home.  

How to prevent summer camp injuries  

While you can't prevent every bump and scratch, there are steps you can take to prepare your kids for summer camp and avoid potential injuries.  

  • Research the camp. Before choosing a camp, research different camps and ask lots of questions. Do the counselors have first aid and CPR training? Is there a lifeguard on duty? Do counselors have to do a criminal record check before they are hired? What activities will your child participate in?   
  • Sun protection. To avoid nasty sunburns, teach your kids how and when to apply sunscreen. Also, pack a hat and sunglasses, and teach your kids to apply sunscreen when out in the sun. Pack them a hat, sunglasses, and UV protective clothing.  
  • Carry a water bottle. To prevent dehydration and heat stroke, talk to your child about the importance of drinking water and pack them an easy-to-use water bottle.  
  • Use bug spray. Pack bug spray and teach your kids how and when to apply it to avoid bug bites.  
  • Wear the proper footwear. If your child is going to hike or climb, pack the appropriate footwear to prevent sprains and strains. Avoid unsupportive shoes such as flip-flops and sandals, and opt for an athletic shoe or hiking boot.  
  • Inform the camp of any allergies. If your child has any allergies, ensure the summer camp is aware of them.  
  • Carry necessary medications. For serious allergies, or if your child has asthma, pack their EpiPen or inhaler. Label it with your child's name and emergency contact information.  
  • Discuss water safety. To familiarize your children with water and water safety before summer camp, consider putting them in swimming lessons. Also, ensure the camp provides the necessary water safety equipment, such as life jackets and qualified lifeguards.  
  • Practice hand hygiene. To avoid illnesses like COVID-19, practice good hand hygiene with your kids. You can also pack small containers of hand sanitizer for them to use while away from home.  

Summer camp injuries 

Summer camp can be a wonderful experience for kids, but, like most activities, there is some risk involved.  

While bumps, breaks, and illness can happen, there are steps you can take to educate and prepare your child to help them stay safe while having fun.   

Contact Information:
Keyonda Goosby
Public Relations Specialist
[email protected]
(201) 633-2125

Original Source: 3 Ways to Handle a Summer Camp Injury